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Month: April 2020

New Release – April 2020

EasyPass Onboarding UPSK expiration date can now be extended

When using the EasyPass Onboarding portal, the Unique Pre-Shared key for each client can now be extended beyond
the original expiration date. No longer must you create a new UPSK for a client when their original UPSK expired. This
will save the client from having to onboard each of their devices each time a UPSK expires. From the Users tab on the EasyPass Onboarding portal, hover your mouse over the user you want to extend the UPSK for. On the new window that pops up, select the “Extend access to this User” button, and click the “Yes, Extend Access” button.

Allow a new device to replace an old device on the Access Points page while retaining the original subscription term

When adding a new device to your XMS-Cloud account, you are able to replace an older device which will no longer be managed by XMS-Cloud. This new device will now be synced with your XMS-Cloud licensing term, eliminating the confusion that can happen when multiple devices have different license subscription terms.
To replace a device, go to the Access Points page and click the Add/Remove button. Select the old device you want to replace, click the “Replace” button, and on the window that pops up, enter the serial number and hostname of the new device you wish to add into XMS-Cloud.